Wholesale Buddha’s Sister Feminized Seeds


Indica-heavy hybrid Buddha’s Sister is known for its uplifting, super chill, Zen-like effects, making it an ideal end-of-the-day smoke.

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Wholesale Buddha’s Sister Feminized Seeds Viewed 410 times today. Purchased 78 times today. Purchased 594 times this week.   While you can’t exactly go into your backyard and pluck meditative bliss from a tree, you can grow Buddha’s Sister cannabis seeds, which will provide you with an indica-heavy hybrid known for its super chill, Zen-like effects. Formerly known as Soma Skunk V+, Buddha’s Sister is a cross between parent strains Reclining Buddha and Afghan Hawaiian.   What are the effects of Buddha’s Sister cannabis? Relaxed Happy Euphoric Buddha’s Sister cannabis seeds mature into plants with an indica-to-sativa ratio of 80:20 and a THC content of 20%. Aptly named Buddha’s Sister cannabis makes for the ideal end-of-the-day smoke, especially if your day has been non-stop and filled with stress and one frustration after another. It works rapidly to lift the burdens of the day from your shoulders and mind and put you into a much more physically and cerebrally relaxed state.  Buddha’s Sister is known for providing users a good dose of cheer-filled levity and utter Zen-like euphoria. While it can give that extra boost to put you in a more social mood, that doesn’t mean it will have you fully energized and wanting to go clean your entire house. Buddha’s Sister will work to lift your spirits, lighten your load, relax, and put you into a more gregarious state. While it’s likely that by the end of things you’ll be ready to hit the hay, Buddha’s Sister isn’t considered to be a fully sedating strain, but instead a blissfully chill evening bud with the potential to ease your mind, body, and spirit of worries and put you into a happier and more unfettered state of being.   What are the therapeutic benefits of Buddha’s Sister cannabis? Buddha’s Sister is an indica-heavy hybrid that has numerous therapeutic benefits to offer medical cannabis users. For example, as a strain known for being so upliftingly “Zen-like,” Buddha’s Sister is considered especially useful to patients struggling with chronic stress, mood swings, depression, and PTSD-related symptoms. Buddha’s Sister is also known for its anecdotal analgesic properties that have the potential to help those suffering from chronic pain, headaches, migraines, arthritis, and inflammation. Some also say that its gentle energy boost helps to combat fatigue.   What does Buddha’s Sister taste like? Buddha’s Sister is one of those strains that tastes much like it smells. This indica hybrid is known for its strong fragrance of sweet and sticky diesel combined with earth, fresh pine, and wood—all of which carry over to its flavor profile. In addition to these enjoyable fragrance and flavor notes, Buddha’s Sister also tastes strongly of tart cherries and cheese.   How do I grow Buddha’s Sister cannabis seeds? Buddha’s Sister, which is resistant to common molds and mildews and can thrive both indoors and out, is a highly-popular option among growers of all skill levels as it’s a relatively low-maintenance, easy strain to grow. In addition, since all Growers Choice cannabis seeds are feminized, the chances of ending up with male plants are low. Grown outdoors, Buddha’s Sister requires warmth and plenty of sunlight, and indoors this indica responds especially well to hydroponics, though it will do fine in soil too. Note that no matter where you choose to grow Buddha’s Sister, if discretion is important to you, its buds are very fragrant, smelling strongly of pine.   What do Buddha’s Sister cannabis plants look like? When properly cared for, Buddha’s Sister will grow into thick plants that are medium in height. It is known to produce heavy, yet fluffy, nuggets that are smallish in size. However, the things that really set Buddha’s Sister buds apart from others are its brilliant red pistils and heavy coating of trichomes and resin.   When to harvest your Buddha’s Sister cannabis plant Easy-to-grow Buddha’s Sister produces above-average yields that are sure to delight growers come harvest time. When cultivated indoors, this indica-heavy strain should begin to flower in about 9-10 weeks and produce a yield of around 450 grams per square meter. Grown outside, Buddha’s Sister should provide an approximate harvest of 550 grams per plant sometime around late October.   Cannabis strains similar to Buddha’s Sister Laughing Buddha to add to your Buddha-themed growing possibilities, this 80:20 sativa to indica will imbue your thoughts with peace and happiness Big Buddha Cheese another incredible Buddha-named strain that until recently has been hard to find Buddha Tahoe  a pure indica that provides powerful, psychedelic cerebral waves of euphoria with tension-melting physical relaxation Warlock another hybrid with an 80:20 indica-to-sativa ratio and the power to sedate, uplift, bliss out, and focus Pitbull Pit this 80:20 indica-to-sativa hybrid makes for a great option when you want a nice, chill, laid-back night at home


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